Tax Law – Withholding taxes on interest paid to a foreign affiliated company – Interest and Royalties Directive and Double Taxation Treaties. Cassazione, tax section, Ruling of 6.11.2023 no 30900.

November 2023 – According to the Supreme Court, on the subject of refund for exemption from withholding taxes on interest paid to a foreign affiliate company, the condition preventing the exemption referred to in art. 26-quater, c. 3, no. 5, does not apply when the financing contract, even without a term, contains a provision according to which the repayment of the capital must take place at the first request of the lender.

Tax Law – Dividends distributed to mutual investment funds resident in the EU – Subject to withholding tax – Discrimination. Pescara first Instance Tax Court of Justice, Section. II, sentence. 2.10.2023, n. 550.

October 2023 – The First Instance Tax Court of Justice of Pescara states that the provision of exemption from IRES only for UCIs resident in Italy and not also for SICAVs resident in the EU, contrasts with the freedom of movement of capital referred to in art. . 63 TFEU.

Tax Law – Income from employment paid to a foreign resident for activities carried out in different states – Art. 15 of Double Taxation Treaty between Italy and Germany – Taxation in Italy implies the calculation of the actual period in which the activity is carried out in Italy. Court of cassation, Tax Section, Rulings 25.9.2023 nos. 27278, 27287 and 27292.

Semptember 2023 – The Supreme Court establishes that, for the purposes of taxation of non-resident employees, compliance with art. 15 of the Convention against double taxation requires the timely verification of the days of actual activity carried out in the territory of the State.